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Friday, August 12, 2011

Florissant July Game Winner!

Florissant patient, Nathan W., was the one who correctly answered the July's game question: "Who was the first player to be named to the All Star game as well as NFL football's Pro Bowl?" The correct answer is: Bo Jackson. For correctly naming the player, Nathan won a nifty $25 gift certificate to Target! Congratulations, Nathan!

Florissant 1st Quarter "C.O.O.L." Club Winner!

Florissant patient, Morgan R., won the 1st Quarter "C.O.O.L." club by being tops in (C)oooperation, (O)n time, (O)ral hygiene that was great, and having no (L)oose bands and/or brackets! She is really a "C.O.O.L." patient, deserving a new iPod! Congratulations, Morgan!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

New Taeger Orthodontics QR (Quick Response) Code!

Taeger Orthodontics is very pleased to announce that it has included a QR (Quick Response) Code in its ongoing goal of making our orthodontic practice as technologically advanced as possible. QR Codes can be read using a smart phone having the necessary QR Code reader application, which, for example, can be downloaded from iTunes at no charge. Having such an application in a smart phone, our patients will be able to scan our QR Code and immediately access our new Mobile website without first having to open a browser, type in the appropriate URL, and wait until the website appears. All of this is being done to allow our patients to access our office at any time to check on their appointments and their personal financial information, to refer a friend to the office, or to leave a message for someone in the office to call them! This is all a part of our ongoing commitment to excel at everything we do - for our patients!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ste. Genevieve Second Quarter "C.O.O.L. Club" Winner!

Tyler U., Ste. Genevieve "C.O.O.L Club Winner!", was really surprised when he learned that one of his fellow orthodontic patients drew his name out of a hat! "What a surprise", he said. When you're "C.O.O.L" (cooperative, on-time, have really good oral hygiene, and don't have any loose bands or brackets), then you qualify for a quarterly drawing for a "Shuffle" iPod! Congratulations, Tyler, and keep up the excellent work!