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Friday, January 29, 2010

Taeger Orthodontics "C.O.O.L. Club Winner" for 4th quarter 2009 in Ste. Genevieve office

Congratulations to our Ste. Genevieve patient, Salena K., for winning the Ste. Genevieve office 2009 4th quarter "C.O.O.L. Club" prize and being really "COOL".
"C.O.O.L." stands for 1) Co-operative, 2) On time, 3) Oral hygiene that is excellent, 4) and no "L"oose brackets. Salena is an avid iPod collector - she now has three - and will have plenty of music stored away for any kind of occasion! Congratulations, Salena, for being "COOL".

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